Thursday, 31 March 2016

A soldiers tale

A soldier’s tale
I’m standing here dizzy and coughing up my lungs hoping to get home soon and have a nice bed to sleep in.infact I think that we all want that.

While I’m coughing away I am making my way towards safety away from mortars, bombshells and mines tripping through mud and potholes  

I peer back at all of the other men one looks as if he was homeless and drunk while others look well blind,disabled and deaf not hearing a word the others are saying.I turn and walk away with pain aching from my blisters.    

Then teargas “cover your mouth and get the hell out of that wretched place.”

They all heard me but didn’t move they whipped on the their gas masks and kept fighting but their was one man john an eighteen year old that just got here this morning… then he just disappeared.  

All of a sudden there was small yelp but could not see past the clouds  that have turned green no the gas.

Out of nowhere my little brother john comes running towards me I’m so happy to see him.he drops coughing blood I try to save him but no pulse.

Then I decide to carry him back to base.when I get there the wagons are ready I put him in the back with all the others. What would you feel if your brother was dead.

While they are driving away I listen to dying the same as i saw through my   blood shot eyes.
It is a pleasure dying for your country knowing that people respected you

Friday, 18 March 2016

page 1 of my dream room description

My dream room

My dream room would be underwater with fish to swim around with and you ask how would i breath well I would have a helmet to attach with a tube coming off it that leads air into a special tree that has another tube to bring new air in my mask so I can live in there and not have to come out unless I had to go to the bathroom.the way I would get out is by opening a vault door to get to a little room with no water inside for me to get change out of my suit and if you let a bit of water in it would automatically empty the water back in the room and if you are wondering where I sleep there is another suit  I wear to go to sleep and there is no bed so I float around my room all night. The walls are enormous televisions which can also transform into windows

trench homework 24 hours

Monday, 7 March 2016


Ping,pong,whizz whew lucky I got away from that one. Ok so there I was running away from my older cousin shawn being pounded the plastic and foam bullets of a NERF GUN spitting with power. I had just got sick of my rifle so I kept running until I’d lost my target and was out of sight. Once I was inside I decided that maybe I should open that new NERF gun I had got for christmas so I quickly reached for the scissors and loaded it out  of the box it was in chucked on my ammo belt and pelted out the door before my cousin came. By the time I’d found him I was cornered in the wood shed hiding so he could not see me but then as I shot at him I missed and he was about to shoot back when… “It’s time for dinner” so we ran inside for the chicken nibbles and fries. After dinner it was to late to go back outside so we sat down for a bit then went to bed.In the morning we got up and had breakfast then sprinted off to the room to load up on wepons and bullets and then went into the hallway to set up the trenches. I stocked up on pillows, blankets,pegs  and laser attachments. I could make the laser bigger which was a big help when it came to spotting the enemy in the dark. By the time we had finished building the trenches we turned off the lights and started the mayhem.after a few shots no one had actually felt a bullet hit them so I picked up my most accurate rifle looked down the sights and poof,slap I’d thought that I hit him but it was the other way round I’d been hit and I figured that it was only a one in ten chance that I will get hit again but I thought wrong they just kept on coming bullet by bullet, gun by gun they just wouldn’t stop and then dad came and I had to go home.